Review & pay

Please review your booking details below. Please note, our prebooking product does not reserve a bay for you.
15/01/2025 08:30
15/01/2025 19:00
10 Hours, 30 Minutes

Personal details

Booking summary

Car park
Didcot Parkway Station - Foxhall
Daily Parking

incl. 20% VAT

Didcot Parkway Station - Foxhall, Basil Hill Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7NR
Entrance Height: 2 Meters


Basil Hill Road, Didcot, Oxfordshire OX11 7NR

Entry Procedure:

Please drive into the car park and park within an available space.

Exit Procedure:

Please return to vehicle and follow signs to the car park exit

Height Restrictions:


Security Measures:

There is CCTV at this station car park

Facilities for Blue Badge Holders:

There are designated disabled bays in this car park. Please ensure that your disabled badge is displayed at all times when using these bays.

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